Analytic Idealism, UAPs, the Daimon, and a model of dissociation: challenges for 2024

You may have noticed that, since Essentia Foundation started in earnest in the summer of 2020, my philosophical output essentially ground to a halt. Indeed, my latest published book to-date, Science Ideated, was finished in April of 2020, even though it only came out in 2021. The reason for this is that Essentia Foundation took all my time in its first years. Starting a new organisation and team from scratch isn't trivial. Moreover, running Essentia Foundation resonated so profoundly with the path of meaning in my life that it basically became an 'obsession'—something I don't consider bad at all; in fact, I love it, despite the overtones of the word 'obsession.' In view of this, my own personal production had to take a backseat over the past three or four years.

Yet, ideas have been autonomously arising and simmering in the back of my mind, growing and congealing beyond the scrutiny of my ego, in their own space and their own time, with little to no effect in my outward daily life. And now they seem to be mature enough to be birthed into the world with little demand on my time. This is what I'd like to share with you now, as 2024 begins.

My intent with what follows is not so much to commit to any kind of new year's 'resolution,' but instead to bring you more squarely onboard our journey together through idea-space; for 2024 marks the beginning of a period of a few years that will probably be remembered as one of the most defining in the whole of human history; a unique time to be alive. I will also share, towards the end of this post, my predictions for this seminal period that has just begun.

The new book

The first news is that my new book, Analytic Idealism in a Nutshell, will be officially published in October of 2024. Here is an overview of the book's goals, quoted from Chapter 1, so to help you place its usefulness, value-add, and role in the broader context of my work:

Analytic Idealism—the subject of this book—represents a correction of our known metaphysical mistakes; a step forward. As I shall soon argue, it offers the most plausible and parsimonious hypothesis we have today about the nature of reality. Herein lies the value of what you are about to read.

I have written ten earlier books and a PhD thesis on the subject, not to mention a number of technical papers in academic journals, blog posts, and popular science & philosophy essays in major publications. So, what is new in this particular volume? As the title of this book indicates, here I attempt to summarize, in an informal but direct manner, the key salient points of Analytic Idealism and the argument that substantiates it. Ideas from several of my previous writings are revisited here, but often in a new form, from a different slant. And they are brought together so to give you the briefest and most compelling overview of Analytic Idealism I could muster.

In addition, as I’ve found myself having to explain and defend Analytic Idealism in countless interviews, Q&A sessions, panels, debates, courses, and other public events over the years, I’ve had to distill a more optimal way to bring forth the core ideas. I’ve learned over time what the main difficulties are that different people have with Analytic Idealism, and refined ways to explain it so to meet people where they are, honoring their intuitions and tackling their hidden assumptions more explicitly. All these learnings and refinements are built into the present volume.

Stylistically, my previous ten books were meticulously documented. The same goes for my second PhD thesis and my many technical papers in peer-reviewed academic journals. I thus believe that I have earned the right to discuss Analytic Idealism now in a less formal, less documented, but more fluent and easy-to-read manner, capturing the most salient points in more intuitive, colloquial language. This is what I try to achieve in this book. Unlike previous writings, here I shall thus deliberately avoid formal literature citations, bibliography, and notes. Whenever a literature reference seems particularly productive or unavoidable, I shall mention it in the running text, just as I already did above.

This book is meant to be as close as possible to a verbal discussion of Analytic Idealism, as if I were explaining it to you in person. The tone adopted deliberately reveals more aspects of my own humanity and emotional state to the reader, which can be contrasted to the drier and more objective character of my technical writings. For those readers who prefer or require a technical and more rigorously documented argument, I recommend my earlier output, much of which—such as the academic papers and thesis—is freely available online.

An IIT-based model of dissociation

But as much as Analytic Idealism in a Nutshell brings a form of closure to my formulation of idealism, it also opens a door to a new theoretical development. Although the empirical appeal to dissociation is sufficient to substantiate Analytic Idealism, one would like to have a more formal, conceptual, explicit account of the process of dissociation—What is it, precisely? How does it work? What are the causal mechanisms and dynamics involved? etc.—something that isn't available in the literature today. This new theoretical effort will be the main focus of my personal work in the course of 2024, and very likely beyond.

Since 2017, but mostly in 2023, an idea has been taking root in my mind about how Integrated Information Theory (IIT) can be used as the basis of a theoretical model of dissociation. IIT's 'exclusion principle,' in particular, seems to be the missing theoretical insight that enables such a model. Therefore, instead of taking most of my spare time to talk about Analytic Idealism in podcast interviews, in 2024 I plan to give less interviews, go to less events, generally talk less and do more. I feel a movement of the impersonal inside me that pushes me to return to theoretical meditation, to developing new ideas, as opposed to communicating older ones.

It will be a challenge to carve out more time to retire in quiet thinking—a return to the mode of being that characterised my philosophical life before I wrote my first book—because my email box has never been so overwhelmed with requests for interviews, participation in events, debates, travel, etc. But I will do my best, for my Daimon wants precisely that: a return to the contemplative state of mind that enabled my entire work thus far, and is necessary for its progression. If you thus notice less public material featuring me coming out this year, please know that it is for a good cause.

The Daimon

Speaking of the Daimon, for the past three or four years I've been thinking of writing a book about my life with the Daimon: the irresistible movements of the impersonal within me, which set the direction of my life and couch it in meaning. As you're bound to have heard my saying before, my life is not about me: instead, it's about what nature—embodied in the metaphorical figure of the Daimon—wants to do through me. This relationship with the impersonal has marked my entire life, since long before I was explicitly aware of it. And because I often get loads of questions about it, I thought I would write it all down.

I have, in fact, been writing this book very slowly for the past couple of years. What is new and salient, though, is that, since a couple of weeks ago, the book is finished in my mind; I just have to write the rest of it down. And this I shall do in the first couple of months of this year.

I now finally know exactly where I want—err, where the Daimon wants—to go with this book, so it's just a matter of taking some time off in the wee hours, after work, to type it all out. If everything goes smoothly, a book titled The Daimon and the Western Mind will come out early in 2025, discussing not only my own personal relationship with the Daimon, but also how the Daimon colors—even defines—the 'Western mind,' the Western mode of being in the world.

This 'Westerness,' of course, has nothing to do with 'race' or ethnicity; it doesn't even have anything to do with geographical location, the word 'Western' being just a vestige of past circumstances. 'Westerness' has to do with a way of life, a set of values, a mode of relating to nature and transcendence. In the book, I shall argue that these things have a lot to do with the flow of the impersonal will of nature—embodied in the Daimon—within the Western mind. So stay tuned for it.


Several recent posts in this blog have been about Unidentified Aerial/Anomalous Phenomena, or 'UAPs' (the modern Pentagon parlance for 'UFOs'). Indeed, as I will discuss in the next section below, revelations about UAPs and Non-Human Intelligences (NHIs) present on Earth will be one of the key developments in the next few years. In an attempt to bring some—at least temporary—closure to my participation in UAP discussions, I wrote a long essay (about 7,000 words) summarising what I consider to be the most reasonable and empirically-based account of the phenomenon.

The essay is currently being reviewed by colleagues and some editors, as it is still in draft format. I have not yet decided where I will publish it. The topic is contentious and the ideas in my essay aren't easy to take. But all this should be clearer in the coming days or couple of weeks at the latest. Publication itself may take a little longer than that. We will see. But know that this is coming, as many of you sent me messages on social media asking for the continuation of my blog series on the subject.

Once the essay is published, I'll have to decide whether I should continue my public participation in UAP discussions or not. This is a field plagued by precious little solid, concrete data. Instead, there are overwhelming amounts of hear-say, ungrounded speculation and fantasies, rumours, whispers, etc. So it's hard to proceed with educated theorising in this semi-vacuum of reliable data. And it may be counterproductive too, as the last thing I want to do is help amplify the nonsense.

So I guess I'll have to see, after the essay is published, how I will feel about the whole thing. I may continue writing on UAPs after that, or I may stop entirely until new, officially acknowledge information is publicly available and citable. In any case, as this post makes clear, I have too many projects for 2024, so something is likely to fall by the wayside.


It is no secret that, geopolitically, the next few years will be defining for our civilisation, and may even end it if we are not careful. The conflict between Western liberal democracies on the one hand, and the repressive, totalitarian coalition of Russia-China-Iran-North Korea on the other, is likely to come to a climax and reshape the world's order (it has already done away with globalisation, in any case). But other events will be just as defining for how we live our lives, if not more.

Although I cannot (yet) list everything I know that motivates what I am about to say, it is crystal-clear to me that materialism is well into its dying process as the West's mainstream metaphysics, both in academia and the media. And this process is playing out significantly faster than my most optimistic predictions of ten years ago or so. In summary, it's happening; the process can no longer be reversed. Naturally, it will still take years for the implications of this change to percolate through all layers and corners of society, but the vast majority of us will be alive to see it unfold. Soon we will be living our social lives in a manner informed by a very different understanding of what is going on.

Also, as I summarise in my upcoming essay, the past few years—particularly 2023—have seen amazing disclosures regarding the UAP phenomenon; disclosures that, only ten years ago, would have been headline news across all media platforms in the world for months on end. Therefore, in the coming few years we have every reason to believe that such disclosures will continue and reach a climax, in which the presence of NHIs on our planet will be officially acknowledged. This, ultimately, won't be any novelty, as the NHIs have been here for, well, a long time (more on my upcoming essay). Yet, the acknowledgment of this presence in our culture will force us to reassess our own place and role in the natural order of this planet; a readjustment that will be—I'm quite sure about it—psychologically very healthy, even if challenging and difficult.

Now a big one: I think, in the coming twenty years or so, we will finally see a comprehensive cure for cancer; all cancers. This cure may require regular treatment, in a manner that will render cancer a chronic but completely manageable condition. But no one will need to die of cancer anymore, if they have access to health care. I say this based on the work of, for instance, Michael Levin, who I now consider one of the most important people alive.

Finally, in my last prediction for the cultural revolution that awaits us in the coming few years, I believe that a new, emerging understanding of the nature of time will revolutionise our conception of the personal self. I discuss this at length in the last chapter of Analytic Idealism in a Nutshell and will not repeat that discussion here; I just felt the need to mention it for the sake of completeness.

Anyway, it has begun. 2024 marks the beginning of one of the most dangerous, yet interesting and revolutionary, periods to be alive in the entire history of humanity. May God be with us in the rollercoaster that now starts.
